No... I Did Not Die...
Hey Readers! As you can see, I am still alive and the stairs did not in fact take me out! I have just been really busy trying to get some things taken care of before I return to school. My next semester starts in a couple of weeks and I still have a number of things to do to get my space organized and clutter-free! Speaking of clutter... Why is it our subconscious seems to be the place holder for our psychological clutter? Why is it that the clutter needs to be cleaned up while we are sleeping? I am talking about dreams that are detailed and vivid, which also seem to hold some significant meaning. Why can't my subconscious self just explain to my conscious self what it is I need to address? Why must it be riddled and enmeshed with symbolism and people I have lost in my life? As you can clearly see, I am also processing some things as I declutter and organize my living space. It feels good to at least have control over one of them!