Well, Hell...

Has it really been 3 years? How in the hell did this happen?

Let's see, where did I leave off? Oh, yeah! I had fallen down the stairs moving into the basement (per my doctor's orders because I have a heart condition) because Covid was rampant and my now ex-wife insisted on taking a trip and staying in a bed and breakfast! 

Typing that out loud releases some responsibility from sugarcoating things like I have for the past 20 years and damn is it refreshing! The fact I allowed myself to stay so unhappy for so long, is disappointing. I did it to be there for my kiddo because ultimately, I did not trust my ex-wife to do the right thing and honor the adoption papers and my relationship with my kiddo. Turns out I was right not to trust her, but that is a story for a different day. There will be some things I can't write about, for now. I am just grateful I am away from her and the unhealthy environment. 

Now back to what has happened since that last post. Let me catch you up with some bullet points...

  1. I survived the fall down the stairs.
  2. I finished my master's degree.
  3. I got divorced, which was long overdue.
  4. I moved into my own place after living with someone else for over 20 years.
  5. I got a new truck when my van died in a flood.
  6. I started hanging out with my cousins and aunt on a regular basis.
  7. I got Covid in January 2023 and survived. 
  8. I met an amazing human being and get to call her my girlfriend.
  9. I am considering going back to school for a second master's degree.
  10. I am looking for a piece of property to build my forever home.
  11. I joined Tik Tok and laugh my head off every day!
  12. I turned 56 years old and have never been happier except for number 13...
  13. I have been dealing with parental alienation. 
  14. I am getting back to my roots and have an amazing support system helping me do it.
  15. I am still me and like who I see in the mirror.
There are a ton of smaller things that have occurred these past 3 years which have shaped me in some way. I have discovered a great deal about myself and what I will tolerate and what I won't allow in my life. I have also learned how to really let go and get to a place of acceptance with some of the situations because I recognize I have no control over it and fighting a losing battle is never worth the mental exhaustion, the financial drain, or the emotional toll. 

Hopefully, I will be able to be here more frequently and put down some of my thoughts about my life, and the world around me. I hope you will tune back in from time to time and share your world with me. 

I will be back soon!
